Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP)
European project CALYPSO (contactless multiservice smart card)
- Analysis of needs for the implementation of a contactless smart card
technology in four European cities (Constance, Lisbon, Paris, Venice)
- Set up of the cross site validation plan
- Drawing of the evaluation document for the European Commission
- Co-ordination, planning and follow-up of the contactless ticket (contactless
single ticket) and Maxipass (personalised information folder) experimentation
Francile project (electronic ticketing experimentation for passengers)
- Assistance to project manager : set up of the detailed functional
- Operational follow-up, analysis and presentation of results
Société d'Economie Mixte des Voyageurs de l'Agglomération
Toulousaine (SEMVAT) :
- Evaluation study : "Contactless smart card and new services"
- Specifications of the electronic purse experimentation
- Set up and management of the experimentation
ContactLess User Board (CLUB) :
- Organisational audit
- Management plan
EasyRide :
- Worldwide survey of transport and banking smart card projects
- Evaluation study on the technical and organisational implementation
of smart card schemes in Switzerland
Prognos AG :
- Impact study relative to the European Directives 91/440, 95/18 et
95/19 on the liberalisation of the railway in Italy
Transport and Communication Assessment Center
(TCAC) :
- Passenger survey on a regional train line
Stadttheater Konstanz :
- Tariff and network reorganisation of dedicated bus services
Zakland Obslugi Kommunikacji Miejskiej Bialystok
- Study on electronic ticketing systems in Europe